While you can use the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule your own automatic tasks, Windows also uses it behind the scenes to perform umpteen system tasks – defragmenting your hard disks when you're not using your computer, for instance.

You posterior even qualify these organization tasks to pull off Windows to your liking – for example, you can change how often Windows creates system restore points. Thirdly-political party programs besides often usance the Task Scheduler for their own tasks.

What's the Task Scheduler?

The Task Scheduler is a Windows component that can mechanically run tasks at a specific time or in response to a specific event. For example, tasks can be course when the computer starts or when a user logs in.

Many Windows system tasks want to run regularly – for example, Windows automatically defragments your hard disks at regular intervals. Alternatively of authorship a defragmentation scheduler course of study that always runs in the desktop and waits to defragment your hard disks Windows sets up a scheduled task that automatically runs the defragmenter in the background at a particularised time. The Task Scheduler launches galore new Windows system tasks in the same way.

Instead of implementing this functionality in each program that needs to run automatically, Windows tells the Task Scheduler to run them. Third-company applications can also tote up their personal scheduled tasks here – you can even add your own.

Exploring System Tasks

Windows system tasks aren't a black box – you hind end open the Task Scheduler and essay them yourself. To wide-open the chore scheduler, type Task Scheduler into the Begin carte and push Enter.

Browse to the Task Scheduler Depository library\Microsoft\Windows folder – you'll see subfolders for a assortment of Windows system tasks.

For instance, the Defrag folder contains the tax that automatically defragments your hard disks on a schedule. When you transfer the scheduled time in the Disk Defragmenter application, Windows updates this regular chore with your rising settings. If you disenable the Keep going a Schedule option in the Disk Defragmenter, Windows leave disable this organization task.

Scheduled tasks don't retributive run at specific times, though – Windows and the Project Scheduler are smarter than that. For example, the scheduled disk defragmentation task doesn't start defragmenting your granitic disks if you'atomic number 75 victimisation the computer – IT waits and runs the defragmentation operation only your computer is idle (put differently, if no one is victimisation the computer.) If you number back to your computer while IT's being defragmented, the defragmentation will be paused until you leave the computer once again.

You can view details like this by double-clicking a scheduled task. You'll find the idle-related restrictions on the Conditions tablet.

Tasks can besides run in response to events. For object lesson, the SystemSoundsService task in the Multimedia folder runs when some user logs on – it provides the login wakeless and opposite Windows system sounds.

Other scheduled tasks run in reception to other events, such as specific event IDs in the Windows upshot log. Windows watches for the event I.D. generated by another broadcast and runs the task when the particular event ID appears.

Tasks for Third-Party Applications

Third-political party programs often expend the Task Scheduler for their ain tasks, too. For object lesson, Google Update (victimized to update Google Chrome, Google Drive, and other Google applications) installs a service that automatically runs Google Update. Adobe Flash uses a connatural help to mechanically check for updates in the background.

Some programs wear't use scheduled tasks, although they should. For case, Java uses a program titled jusched.exe that forever runs in the background alternatively of a scheduled task. This is one of the many problems with Java.

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